am 26.08.2020 21:48
Approximately 3 weeks ago a GigTV Box arrived at my apartment and then I was billed €59.10
I absolutely never agreed to this arrangement and feel I have had my money taken out of my account without my permission. I must state that the Cable TV contract was never mentioned or offered to me in any coherent fashion, otherwise I would have never accepted the offer.
I would very much appreciate it if someone could please help me to cancel contract with immediate effect, as well as the €59.10 being refunded to my account, the GigaTV Box is collected, and the subscription to the ‘TV Digital’ Magazine is stopped.
am 28.08.2020 07:41
Hello JR6,
for a closer look send me the following informations in a private message:
full name
date of birth
customer number
Please reply here when you have sent the private mesage.
Best regards
am 03.09.2020 13:56
Private message sent.
am 05.09.2020 16:07
Hello JR6,
as Tina is currently not present, I will take over at this point. I am sorry, but we cannot revoke the contract. You have concluded it with a consultant and we also have the order form signed by you. If you did not want the contract after all, you could have cancelled it within 14 days. Unfortunately, however, your revocation came too late. The contract can now only be cancelled at the end of the contract period.
am 14.10.2020 18:44
I cancelled my Giga TV contract and sent the box back weeks ago but I still seem to be getting charged for it. Also, I still have not been refunded for the initial charge after numerous requests. I'm getting a bit sick of how hard it is to get a straight answer from anyone at Vodafone and how I am being treated.
A total of €88.64 in extra charges has now been taken from my account without my permission and I want it back without any more money being removed. I can't afford this!
I have the cancellation document as proof. I'd appreciate some contact and help from someone at the company to get this resolved immediately.
am 15.10.2020 14:14
Hello JR6,
we had informed you here that a recantation is not possible. Your cancellation does not take effect until 2022, that's how long the contract runs and the invoices for it become due. No other decision is possible.
am 15.10.2020 14:26
I find this answer toatally unacceptable. I'd really like to know why you think you can amke us these 'rules' to trap people in a contract and take money from them for something they did not ask for. I couldn't send back the box within 14 days because of Covid and now you are charging me more money than I can afford for a Gigabox I don't even use, have or want. The words inconsiderate, greed and inhumanity really come to mind when I deal with this company.
I will be talking to my lawyer about this.
am 15.10.2020 20:46
Hi JR6,
don't get us wrong. You have made a contract and then determined for yourself that you do not want it. To do so, it would have been necessary to revoke the contract within the time limit. This has not been done and therefore it runs on the agreed terms. If you wish to engage a lawyer, you are welcome to do so. We would then no longer be the right contact at this point.