26.04.2022 07:38 - bearbeitet 26.04.2022 07:39
Hello community,
I have taken gigacube contract on 01/04/2022. initially speed was ok and i was able to manage my work. day by day speed is worst. Tariff will say upto 250mbps but thats totally false. everyday i am checking speed test and speed test is not going beyond 30-40mbps. i cannot even connect my office system due to slowness. I have taken another contract as back up and monitored gigacube for some more time but no improvement so I would like cancel this contract.
please guide me how do i cancel ealry as the contract was taken for 2 years.
Thank you
am 26.04.2022 18:04
Dear RamBalMah,
sorry for your Experience. The speed depends on different things. Please tell me the Address where the Giga Cube is located.
am 26.04.2022 22:22
Hello McUwe,
Thanks for your reply. here is my address
Strassburger str.11,71034 boeblingen
am 27.04.2022 20:18
Dear RamBalMah,
thanks for the info. The forecast for this address inside buildings is only 2-7MBit/s. However, the actual data rate depends largely on the utilization of the radio cell used by the Giga Cube.
am 27.04.2022 20:38
Thanks for the info. As we all know, cannot do office work with this speed. Please help me to cancel this contract
am 29.04.2022 10:59
Hallo RamBalMah,
you can use this form to send an extraordinary termination to Vodafone. Page 2 tells you, where to send it.
Best regards
am 29.04.2022 11:19
Hello Tinag,
I already sent immidiate contract termination from contact form but vodafone team replied that i need pay till end of my contract and i cannot close this contract immidiately.
FYI, i have submitted contract termination through the contact form from shared link.
Please help me to terminate this contract.
am 29.04.2022 12:26
Hello RamBalMah,
i would like to help, but i am from the technical service and have nothing to do with commercial things.
Please send me a private Message with you Customer Number and the Customer Password, i can look it.
Best regards
am 03.05.2022 05:47
Hello Tinag,
I had shared account details through private message. Did you get a chance to look into it?
Thank you
am 03.05.2022 14:58
as I can see TinaG answered you already.
However, please do not write any unsolicited PNs in future.
Please have a look here: PN
Best regards