am 22.07.2023 23:54
Hello, I'm sorry for English, my German is not good.
So, the router is broken and I want to return it. I have my own Modem, so I am planning to use this one instead.
I've been to 'Widerruf, Retoure und Gerätetausch', clicked 'Hier geht's zum Retouren-Portal' and 'Andere Bundesländer' and from there, I don't know what to do. Am I supposed to be clicking on 'Gerät zurücksenden: Ich wurde darüber Informiert, mein Gerät zurückzusenden' even though I was not told to return it?
Also, I have taken over the contract from former tenant of my current apartment. There are many cables and I am not sure if every single one of them belongs to Vodafone or not as all of them don't fit in the router's box. I have attached the jpg on this post., would be great if you could take a look at it.
In case you need to know:
I have: Kabelrouter mit WLAN-Option CH7466CE
Tarif: Red Internet & Phone 1000 Cable
State: Rheindland-Pfalz
Would be great if anyone could help me with these matters,
Thank you
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 23.07.2023 09:39
am 23.07.2023 09:39
am 23.07.2023 12:04
Okay, thank you for letting me know!
am 23.07.2023 20:33
Then I close the thread.
Best regards Kurt