am 15.10.2022 11:01
Hello, recently I’ve submitted to Red Internet & Phone 250 Cable contract. I received the modem. I can use internet with ethernet cable but couldn’t enable wireless connection.
We tried to
- Reset modem
- Enable guest wi-fi
- Different ranges such as 2.4 gHZ 5 gHZ
Even though we connect to internet via ethernet cable, IP couldn’t received from DHCP and we’ve been directed to unknown 169.254.x.x IP group
I’d like to kindly ask for a modem replacement.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 15.10.2022 13:07
Since August 15th, 2022 there is no more individual support here in the forum. Support in English is available via Facebook or Twitter.
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Best regards Kurt
am 15.10.2022 13:07
Since August 15th, 2022 there is no more individual support here in the forum. Support in English is available via Facebook or Twitter.
Vodafone Service - Startseite | Facebook
Best regards Kurt