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Alternativen zum Bridge-Modus


Sie können auf Deutsch antworten, wenn Sie möchten. I apologize in advance for English I want to make sure I say what I mean. 


I have read that since I am in an ex-unitymedia area I can't activate bridge mode on my vodafone station. However I still need away to connect to my ubiquiti dream machine vpn or forwarded ports. Has anyone got suggestions on how I can do this? I also have a horizon box sitting around collecting dust if this could do it? (sales rep lied to my wife about how we'd need it and we don't, we needed a smart card)

I tried IPv6 host exposure as well but either that doesn't work or I can't figure it out. I can ping the wan of the vodafone station using it's ipv6 address but it won't let me access port 8080 which the UDM is port forwarding. 

10 Antworten 10

I guess it took time. Another restart got it working. Thanks all for the help again. Tonight I can look into why no ipv6 address and get port forwarding to work 🙂