contract change

I switched from DSL internet (easybox) to cable internet in December 2021.
Despite switching from DSL internet to cable internet, the fee for DSL internet was withdrawn from my bank account after December.
Two weeks ago, one of the Vodafone branches (Jungfernstieg 14, 20354 Hamburg) informed me that despite switching from DSL to cable internet contract, the DSL contract was still active after December 2021. So, they terminated the DSL contract and informed me that the money, taken from my bank account for DSL internet contract since December, will return to my account again.

Could you please inform me about its status and how long it takes to receive the money in my bank account?

Could you also please provide me a list of my Vodafone products? 

customer number: xxxxxxxxxxx


Edit: @Ashtarayeh Kundennummer entfernt, bitte keine persönlichen Daten öffentlich posten. Gruss Methusalem1 

5 Antworten 5

I'm afraid to tell you that there won't be any reimbursement...


Hi Ashtarayeh,


have you asked again in the Vodafone store?


And have you already contacted me directly by other means?


Best regards



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I have not contacted you before.

As I explained in my previous message, I switched from DSL interent cotract to cable interent contract last year on December. But the fee for DSL interent contract was taken from bank account and i was not aware of that my DSL contract as active.

Two week ago, I asked one of Vodafone branch to terminate my DSL internet.

I just want to make sure whether my DSL contarct has been terminated ? because now I have cable intrenet contract and it is not fair that the fee for DSL internet contract is widhdrawn from bank account.

Can you inform me the list of my active contract?


Best regards,



Could you please inform how I can make sure that my DSL interent contract is terminated? because I switched to cable internt contract. 







send me a private message with your name, DSL customer number, Cable customer number, full address, date of birth.




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