




contract already cancelled, but still charged by Vodafone

Hi Vodafone colleague,

I am sorry to write this in English because my German level is not good enough to explain my issue here.

I have got the confirmation of my cancellation from Vodafone Kundenbetreuung. My contract will be end up by 30th Apr. 2021. The DSL device return was also confirmed by Vodafone. However, when I check my Bank statement in May., I found that Vodafone is still charing monthly payment from my bank account.


I have tried so many times to call 0800 172 1212, it was hopeless to get the right people for my issue. I am reall apprecaited that someone from the here could help me to sovle this issue.


Best regards,


2 Antworten 2

Have you had a look on that invoice?

It might be that this invoice is charging you for your time in April until the end of the contract...

The time stamp of my invoices is allway arround middle of the month. Whereas my account will be charged at the end of the same month. E.g. innvoice for April with time stamp 16.04.  - account was charged at 30th of April.


... but there is a trap. What about further costs coming up after the innvoice was written? ... this costs appear on a further innvoice the month after.


If the provider continous to charge you i recomment to cancel the direct debit mandate (aka Einzugsermächtigung, SEPA-Mandat) separatelly. This has to be done in written form, signed and addressed to the provider.