am 27.06.2022 19:11
Dear admins,
I moved a new apartment and am being double charged since a year now. Please can you help me to stop this and get a refund.
When i moved, I did this from the moving service portal and then received a call from vodafone, where the agent 'promised' me the old contract will be removed a new contract will come into place with a 3 month discount(which i did not get either) but later i see from my bank statement that im being charged twice by vodafone. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 06.07.2022 12:27
Thank you very much Nancy. I will return the router. Please can you also refund the double charges for the duration when both contracts were active. Because it's 53 euros for several months. And the Vodafone person who initiated the contract also confirmed the old contract will be canceled.
am 06.07.2022 13:41
I have already taken care of this and passed it on to the responsible colleagues so that you can be reimbursed. They'll take another look at it there.
Best regards
am 18.07.2022 10:21
Hello Nanda,
Thank you, that's what I'm here for.
I'll put a lock in front of your contribution.
Best regards