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I switched from DSL to cable, but I was billed for one more month for my old contract

Greetings and respect,

I switched my contract from DSL to Cable as suggested by your agent. I was told that the old contract would end as soon as the new contract begins.
A week later I received a letter that I have to pay for one more month for the old contract. So, I booked an appointment and also did a corona test to discuss this personally because my German is not good. Two hours before the appointment I received a call asking the reason for the appointment and I explained the case. Then the agent on the phone confirmed that I will not be billed for the month of April, but now I see I was billed a fee.
I did not expect it and I think it is not fair. Unfortunately, I am unable to communicate in German explaining such cases on the phone.

Best regards,


2 Antworten 2

Hey Sherzad,


it is no problem to write in English here 😉


Feel free to send me the customer number via PN. We'll be happy to check it for you and get back to you as soon as possible.


Kind regards


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Hi Bernd,

Many thanks for your response. I sent you the requested info via private message.

Please let me know if I should provide you further info.

Best regards,
