am 01.08.2019 14:56
Just found the community after a terrifying call with Vodafone customer service in which they told me that "I am in Germany so I should learn German". This type of customer service is not what I would have expected from Vodafone...
Anyway, I received 2 days the Kable Vodafone Station, placed at home, connected the cables and so on. However, the Internet LED keeps blinking red... I don't know what to do to connect internet at this point.
I thought it was the antenna, but today my landlord' technician was there and said that the plug receive the signal.
Did I miss some steps? Could you assist me please? I really need internet at home, as I need to work from home during weekends.
Thanks and best regards,
am 01.08.2019 21:03
I can have a look at the connection 🙂 Do you send me your customer data (customer number, name, address and date of birth of the contract owner) via private message?
Please let me know in the article when you have sent me the data.
am 02.08.2019 11:01
Thanks for the prompt answer. I have sent you via message all the infos.
am 03.08.2019 14:22
Hello there.
Any news? My landlord' technician had a check and said that the signal' repetitions in my buidling needs the visit of a Vodafone technician. Could you please help me arrange it? Still is impossibile to speak with the callcentre 😞
I really really need it,
am 03.08.2019 20:12
Hi matteoa,
according to the system, there's a technician's appointment for Monday. Is that correct?
am 05.08.2019 20:27
Yes, but nobody showed up....
PLEASE HELP I need internet for working over the weekend. I really need a technician showing up and I can't lose days at work for people not showing up.
What can I do??
am 06.08.2019 11:30
Hello matteoa,
in the ticket it is stated that the technician tried to reach you yesterday. Did you receive a call?
Kind regards,
am 06.08.2019 11:39
Hi Claudia,
Thanks for the promt answer but not really.... I was home earlier from work, waited siently and I received no call.
Actually, because I urgently need it and already had similar problems with 1und1, I even printed out so he could not claim that he did not find the door...
Now, with all the love for Vodafone (if I have a bit of internet is only thanks to the Gigabox), can we:
a) Arrange a new appointment please?
b) Be 100% that I will not wait hopelessly at home with my boss mad?
Thanks! 🙂
am 07.08.2019 13:12
Hello matteoa,
the current date is today between 11-14 o'clock. Was the technician on site?
Best regards Fred