am 27.06.2018 21:23
In January I've been told that my connection speed, despite paying for 400mbit option, is really poor and will be fixed in July.
With July just around the corner I would like to know more details about when it's going to be fixed, as I'm waiting for it for half a year now. It's currently around 6 Mbps in the evening, but should be around 400 Mbps.
am 29.06.2018 16:39
Hello komarkzy
I will check your access and the reason for the limitation in the evening. For that, please send me your customer number and address in a private message. Reply here after your sent the PM.
Kind regards
am 29.06.2018 21:25
am 03.07.2018 18:35
Hello komarkzy,
currently your modem is offline since three days, did you unplug it or is there an outage?
Kind regards
am 03.07.2018 18:49
am 05.07.2018 16:02
Hello komarkzy,
we can check this, if the cablemodem is online.
am 09.07.2018 09:42
My modem is online now. Can you please have a look at the connection speeds?
Thank you
am 10.07.2018 12:27
Hello komarkzy,
thank you. The quality of the signal is bad. If it's all ok from your side, we can instruct a technician.
They have a look at your antenna socket, cablerouter and so on.
Is your mobile number correct? This is then used to make an appointment.
am 10.07.2018 13:34
Hi, my mobile phone no is correct. Starting with 0048
I would prefer to make an appointment here if possible, as my German skills are poor.
am 11.07.2018 12:46
Hello komarkzy,
oh sorry, i see that is a Polish number. Did you have a german number?