am 25.01.2019 16:48
Dear All,
First of all please find below some informations regarding my situation:
(and please apologize my low German language skills )
My problems started more or less 1 month and a half ago:
- Internet speed gets extremely slow at anytime (morning, afternoon or evening)
- My devices often loose wi-fi signal and I need to reboot my router to get it back
It even got worst last week: every evenings I loose the signal and do not get it back when I reboot the router.
(the @ flashes on the router)
It usually only gets fixed when I reboot the router in the morning...
Could you please help me with that issue?
Thanks a lot.
am 28.01.2019 11:58
Hi Betrand,
there are clearly too many errors on the line and I would like to take a closer look at that. Send me your customer data (name, birthday, address, customer number) in a private message and let me know that you have transmitted the data.
am 28.01.2019 18:52
Hi Wallace,
Done, thank you.
am 30.01.2019 12:03
Hi BR1904,
Do you agree with a technician assignment and can you provide access to the house system? Under which telephone number (please by PM) can you be reached to make an appointment?
am 30.01.2019 14:09
Hi Wallace,
Thanks for your feedback.
Sure (as long as I do not have to pay for it of course ).
I will send you my mobile number by PM.
Have a nice day.
Best Regards,
am 31.01.2019 15:07
Hi Bertrand,
The technician is informed and will contact you soon to make an appointment.
am 19.02.2019 16:06
The problem seems to be solved, thanks for that.
As I did not benefit from the service I paid for for quite some time, I would like to get a compensation from you.
Thanks in advance for your fair proposal.
Best Regards,
am 22.02.2019 08:54
Hello Bertrand,
it's only a short time to solved it with a technician.
I can offer you a credit of a half month. Ok?