am 13.08.2018 12:56 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 13.08.2018 12:59 von Thomas
am 16.08.2018 13:37
Hello beydogan,
we can help in English. 😉
Did you do a factory reset with the cablerouter? Please keep the connection open for a few hours afterwards. And have you a internet connection, if you use a ethernet connection?
am 16.08.2018 14:55
Hi Jens,
Somehow I cannot login to community profile of beydogan so I had to create a new account......
I cannot do factory reset because the router is in a reboot cycle and factory reset button doesn't work. Router doesn't stay on because of rebooting, it doesn't matter if I use wifi or ethernet cable.. According to similar posts in the forum; I think its defective.
Please don't keep me waiting another 3 days to reply, I cannot use my connection for more than 1 week.
am 20.08.2018 16:03
Hi beydogan0,
sorry for our late response. I'll check your connection, please send me your name, address and customer ID via private message. Please answer here again if you sent me the data.
Kind regards