Kabel 200Mbps connection in Berlin center, performs less than 10Mbps

The situation is really unacceptable. I am a customer with Kabel for the past 2 years (a bit more than that) and for the last 6 months the 200Mbps advertised line performs at best close to 10Mbps with ridiculous pings (20 - 30 ms). I have complained numerous times in English (unfortunately I have started A1 just two months ago so I'm unable to communicate in German yet). Twitter, telephones, 24h service and physical shops.


Short story: nobody cares. The tech support on twitter literally told me (I have the history of the conversation) that "there's a problem in my neighborhood" and that "they cannot tell when it is going to be fixed" !!!

Quick note, I am in Prenzlauer Berg approx 1km away from Alexanderplatz!!!


I am really disappointed, I cannot even get a technician to come and inspect the line or the router.




2 Antworten 2

So after seeing no response, I can only assume that Vodafone employees are more than eager to communicate in English when they want my signature on a contract and my money for a 200Mbsp connection but when that connection fails, they only answer or communicate in German?


Can anyone here help please?


Is it possible that the cable connection in the center of Prenzlauer Berg is so unbelievably bad that one cannot get more than 10mbps???


If so, is it legal that Vodafone promises up to 200 without stating this VAST underperformance which has been going on for more than 6 months? Is it also legal to answer to customers "there's a problem in your neighborhood, we DON'T KNOW when is this going to be fixed!!!". If you don't know when it's going to be fixed, how about reducing the monthly rate until you find out?







Hi gpollatods,


well, we currently have a longer processing time, so it simply takes longer in the forum. If you're already writing with twittersupport colleagues, the post doesn't make any sense here. please use only one service channel. I will close this post here, please contact my twitter colleagues 🙂





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