am 01.10.2019 20:55
Hi all,
Here is my problem. I cannot call Support because I cannot speak Germany good enough to explain and they can't help me in English over phone. I even tried to contact them via email, and also, they cannot help me in English.
They said that I need to open post in forum, and that one of their agent will get in touch with me. Is this good policy of a one big company like Vodafone, I do not know. Maybe they know better.
So, my problem is:
Every evening from 17 until 23 internet is really slow, like 10Mbps max, and ping and jitter is waaaay high.
I have RED Internet & Phone 200
My cable modem is connected to Asus RTAC88U via LAN cable and my laptop is connected to ASUS RTAC88U via LAN cable at 1Gbps. I know LAN connection is good, as I have networking company, so it is not problem. My home network is perfect. I have 90MB/s transfer in my home network.
It is also not a problem with my PC, or OS or Browser, as this problem is accross all my devices connected to my network. Even on wifi I have about 400Mbps transfer from all my devices.
So, the problem is in internet, and even during the day, early morning, I get about 150Mbps, sometimes, but sometimes it gets to 210Mbps.
Why am I paying 200Mbps tarif, if I can pay 50Mbps and will have same speed. And even I pay more than 200Mbps costs now. It is also not fair, but they extended my contract without any notice, price reduction, new modem, or anything.
I hope that someone will read this and help me solve this issue, as I have internet company, I need great speed and stable connection.
Hrvoje Tvorek
am 27.11.2019 17:58
It is really terrible from company like this that it takes this long to fix the problem. Every day it is worse and worse.
I am really disappointed because at the start it was a great service, I never had any problems, but now I only have problems. Problems in such nature that I cannot do my work normally.
am 28.11.2019 14:23
Hi Hrvoje555,
I'm really sorry for the issue Hope this will be fixed soon.
Kind regards
am 06.01.2020 19:23
OK, so now it is new year, and still nothing, still every day from 18-23 I have 4-6Mbps!
It is now 4 months and it is becomming really funny.
I just can't understand that one company like Vodafone do not care about customers and does not want to solve problem that is there for 4 months now.
And I still have to pay for service that does not work, for service that I cannot use fully what I pay for.
Really frustrating! So much of a happy new year. It started really great!
am 07.01.2020 10:12
Hello Hrvoje555,
unfortunately, there is a delay in the delivery of the parts that are needed for the net expansion. The new planned date is in the mid of this quarter. You already got a reimbursement for October, November and December. I can give you another one for January.
Kind regards,
am 07.01.2020 14:40
This is the second "new planned date", but ok, if you say so...
I still have contract until April, so I can only wait...
am 08.01.2020 16:41
Hi Hrvoje555,
I have deposited the credit for January.
Kind regards