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Error 2020
This is the second time in 7 days that I have received a error 2020 no signal on my horizon box that last one took 2 days to repair. I call tech support and i just get put on hold to tech support and all they can ask is

1. have you pulled power

2. check cable connection.

3. restarted the horizon box

this is why I left unitymedia in 2016. the only thing the call center could tell me it can take up to 48 hrs for a tech to call. I am goin to look into a sonderkundigung. I pay for a service that is suppose to be there 24hr a day, the only thing I am told OH your going to get 10 euro reduction in your next bill

2 Antworten 2
Dieser Fehlercode tritt auf, wenn es Probleme mit der Einbindung der Box in das bestehende Netzwerk zuhause kommt. Konfigurationsprobleme stören dann auch die Fernseh-Funktionaliät.

Nimm die Box aus dem Heimnetzwerk (LAN-Kabel entfernen bzw. WLAN-Verbindung beenden) und lass sie nur noch HD-Recorder sein. Zu mehr ist die Horizon nicht gut zu gebrauchen.

This error code occurs when there are problems with the integration of the box into the existing network at home. Configuration problems then interfere with the TV functionality .

Take the box from the home network (remove LAN cable or end Wi-Fi connection) and let it only be HD recorder. For more, the Horizon is not good to use.
I don`t have it on the home network, it is not connected to WLAN. Thank god I am not using unitymedia as ISP I would not even be able to write this comment. When I first received the box I connected it to the socket on the wall with the cable that came with box and connected it to TV that was it.