am 16.08.2019 19:43
My DSL connection is not working and when trying to call the support numbers, I am not able to reach any English speaking agents. This includes 0800 1721212 and saying Operator (as instructed by a German speaking agent). I would appreciate any help to get this sorted and connected to the right number.
am 16.08.2019 22:32
As you posted in the cable area (e.g. services provided using the antenna outlet), the phone number may be wrong.
Just to clarify things first:
In case you use a DSL connection (services using telephone outlet), then the given number is right - but you chose the wrong board. I may then move it to the right board.
In case you use a cable connecton (services using the antenna outlet), then the given number is wrong - you might try the 0800 2787000 or 0800 52 666 25. But there is no dedicated english speaking support for cable products, e.g. no "operator" option - English support is provided on an as-is basis depending on the operator you get!
am 18.08.2019 13:33
Hey Nancy_D,
there is no dedicated hotline for english speaking dsl agents.
Most agents of the 0800 172 1212 should be able to handle a call though.
The phrase "Operator" is only availible for questions regarding a mobile contract.
Feel free to send me a private message with your customernumber, mobilenumber & an excact description of the issue (especialle which led is glowing). I'll open an incident ticket.
Best regards,