Constants drop of connection

I have a Red Internet & Phone 1000 Cable. 

Since 2 weeks on all my devices at home (smartphones, laptops and TV) connection is lost every 20-30 minutes. Any video online cannot be watched without lost connection. It is not possible to have a Skype call because after few seconds connection is lost (even without video). It seems that signal from router is not stable and it disconnects from all devices.

Can you please help me?


Kind regards,


16 Antworten 16

Hello DanielMa,


you wrote the problems occur with phones, tablets and a TV, so the disconnects only happen with WiFi, right? You mentioned laptops in the beginning, are they connected via WiFi as well? Can you test an ethernet connection? You can check the tips for WiFi optimisation here to improve the connection.


Kind regards


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Hello Claudia,


Laptops are also connected via WiFi. When I connected them via cable connection was better.

But cable can be connected to one device and cannot be used for two different laptops used at the same time. Also better cable connection does not help for phones, TV or tablets because I cannot connect them.

I tested WiFi in different parts of my apartment, in each room and the result is the same, devices get dissconnected.

I do not have any complaints about speed, when there are no disconnections speed itself is fine. What is not fine is that connection is not stable and devices get constant disconnections.

In general below you can find speedtest I have made on laptop:

- First photo is vodafone internet  via cable

- Second photo is vodafone internet via WiFi (I know WiFi cannot be as fast as cable but like I mentiond speed is fine for me)

- Third photo is from my Iphone used as a hotspot

As you can see my mobile internet via Iphone speed is only 25mb/s which makes it 21 times slower than vodafone WiFi. Still this Iphone internet can hold viedos and Skype calls without disconnections. Vodafone WiFi with speed over 500mb/s cannot handle a simple Skype call without constant dissconnetions.



So I ask you kindy again to find a solution for these dissconnections because it is not normal. Much slower internet connection in the very same apartment on the very same devices work without disconnections so please do not tell me that all is ok or that using cable is a solution for a problem. I pay for full package: to use cable and WiFi. Since day one WiFi option I am paying for each month does not work as it should and I need it fixed.


Kind regards,



Hi DanielMa,


of course both should work. We only want to check, if there is a problem with the connection in general.


Do you use 2,4 GHz and 5 Ghz for WiFi connection? Are both networkes named with the same SSID? If so, could you please try different SSID´s?


Best Regards, Manu

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Hello Manu,


So I took my time to test new setting of connection: I have changed my WiFi connection to two: one 2,4 GHz and second with 5 GHz. They have different names. I tested both connections the same way but unfortunately in both cases the issue still remains. I haven't noticed any difference in comparison to old setting, or any difference between 2,4 GHz and 5GHz.


Kind regards,



Hello DanielMa,


if it's okay with you, I'd be happy to replace the router sometime. The signal values at your port still look very stable and error-free.


Best regards, Martin



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Dear Martin,


Thank you, I would like to try with new router. Please let me know how the router replacement will look like: will it be sent or maybe Technician will visit us to replace it?


Kind regards,



Hello DanielMa,


I've just made the exchange. You will receive the new device within the next 3-5 working days.


Just plug it in as usual and send the old one back to us.


Many greetings, Martin

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