am 14.12.2020 11:15 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 15.12.2020 10:14 von Michi
I have connection problems for few weeks. The WiFi connection is not stable at all as well. It keeps disconnecting my laptop during the day. This happens with another two laptops as well. Moreover, I cannot even access websites like or use Microsoft Teams. I have to use a VPN in order to be able to access all the websites.
I have disabled the setting that merges the 2.4GHz and 5GHz SSIDs under a single name and now I am connected just to the 5GHz one. The WiFi is a bit better, but it still drops from time to time.
I was testing the cable connection as well and the issue with websites that I cannot access is still present. For example, if I go here (, when I press "Los geht's" the page is not loading. If I connect to a VPN, it will work... This sounds also like a routing problem.
My router is version 1 and I know the latest version is 7.
I am living in Berlin, 10247.
Edit: Bitte keine doppelten Threads erstellen. Bearbeitung erfolgt unter Michi
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