Cable Internet Speed is Far Slower than What I Pay For


I have been a Vodafone customer for the past couple of weeks, having signed an agreement for the 200Mbps Kabel plan. However, I have never received speeds anywhere close to this since I connected my router. Even though my agreement states that I am guaranteed at least 132 Mbps, I consistently get less than 5 Mbps, and in many cases less than 2 Mbps. On multiple occasions I have reinstalled my router to make sure the connection is secure and I have watched all of the installation videos on the Vodafone website to be certain that I am doing it correctly. Please correct this situation soon or I will be canceling my agreement.


My customer number is: 







Edit: @jmotto personal data removed

3 Antworten 3

Hello Jonah,


constantly less than 5 MBit/s means you never even got near the 200 MBit/s, even in the morning? Do you use a direct connection through LAN? You may send me your data in a private message, so I can have a look at your access. I will need your customer number and your address, please reply here in this thread after you sent them.


Kind regards


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Hi Claudia,


I have sent you a private message with my personal information.  I look forward to your response.


Thank you,



Hello jmotto,


by checking your access I found out that the utilization of the downstream your modem uses is often quite high. Still, a bandwidth about 100 MBit/s should be still possible in the evening when the utilization reaches its peak. From the morning until the afternoon you should get an even better bandwidth, as my speedtest on your modem shows. I just got the full speed right now. So I would recommend that you test through LAN with another device, as the low speed doesn't seem to come from our net.


Kind regards


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