22.08.2019 13:03 - bearbeitet 22.08.2019 13:05
Last week, I spent 2h trying to contact vodafone to solve my internet issues.
After hours of fighting on the menu (because I do not speak German), the operator said they are not allowed to speak in English.
I was calling 0800 52 666 25.
I have 200mbps plan, but only 90mbps (after doing speed test)
I am using my computer directly on the vodafone router (the simple version of it), so tried to reset the router.
How can I proceed? Is anyone available to speak on my mobile number and speak in english?
Maybe something is wrong on my building, or I could ask to reset the signal. I do not know ... This is my second time here.
Please, help, otherwise I want to find another provider 😞
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 29.08.2019 21:04
I changed the ethernet cable, and looks like the problem is gone! Very strange.
23.08.2019 00:20 - bearbeitet 23.08.2019 00:24
Why do you then not answer on the first thread?
You were asked if your computer is confirmed to have a Gigabit capable network interface - if this is NOT the case, you won't be able to receive anything more than 90..95 MBit/s as your computers network interface is limiting the speed then.
And by the way:
You're in Germany, sole contractual language is German. And there is no law that requires the provider to have support in any other than the contractual language - they may provide, but they don't have to. Even if they don't provide support in any other than the contractual language, you are not allowed to prematurely end the contract. It's up to you to get a translator (at your expenses) if you are not able to understand or communicate with the support staff.
am 23.08.2019 09:20
Sincerely, I could not find the first thread, looks like it got deleted or not approved.
I am using the original apple ethernet connector which is Gigabit, for sure is not the issue... Sometime the speedtest reports 80mbps, so for sure is not my ethernet device. At work, works fine.
About the german language, is very sad situation... Because before, I received multiple calls from a vodafone seller, until I accept the contract. And now I have a problem, and no one wants to help in english. I am totally sure that by law I can fight for that. Just believe that don't worth it... Maybe a simple signal reset will solve the issue, because was working fine few months ago.
am 24.08.2019 17:46
Hi radicalrj,
Your other Post is not deleted, it is here, but is closed now. We will write here. And you can't say no one won't help you because Fred answered you.
Be that as it may, did you ever reach more than 90 MBit/s?
Best Regards, Manu
am 24.08.2019 20:26
Thanks for helping! Yes, I got 185mbps (because I have the speed test history, because of the QoS, on my netgear router).
am 26.08.2019 15:09
Hello radicalrj,
have you a pc or laptop with an integrated network-card? Or can you check, if the apple ethernet connector limit the speed?
Give me also your private data in a pm.
am 26.08.2019 15:14
Hey, thanks for answer!
But my router in bridge mode (last year got 180mbps on QoS configuration ... Running it again, the router shows 80 ~ 90mbps only)
Same for my macbook. Apple ethernet works fine, since I use it with my home NAS, and 1Gbps available.
I can try to connect a friend machine directly to the router, but looks like something else. This is why I am asking Vodafone to check their side. (maybe a reset signal, or a mis configuration on my data plan)
I will message you as requested!
am 27.08.2019 14:21
Hello radicalrj,
the signal to the cable-router is terrible. Did you use the original cable to connect the cable-router with the antenna socket? Or did you change something else?
am 27.08.2019 14:41
My building is very new, so the cable was already there since my first day, and it is all connected since them. I didn't change anything since my first day of installation.
am 28.08.2019 15:26
Hello radicalrj,
can we instruct a technician to you? Did you have a special time, when he can came to you or doesn't time matter? Otherwise the technician makes the appointment with you. 🙂