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Must cancel Vodafone Mobile contract due to leaving Germany

Hello Im really sorry Im writing in English but my German is not that good.


Due to my father being really sick, I need to return to my country urgently next month to take care of him.


I do not know if I will be back to Germany at least for a year.


For this reason and due that there is no Vodafone in my country, I need to cancel my contract.


I also have a tablet from vodafone  that I would like to return.

I have a cellphone contract which includes two chips and a tablet.

How can I cancel my contract in the best way possible.


Thank you very much for your time

3 Antworten 3

Sorry to hear that, but I'm also sorry to tell you that leaving Germany is no valid reason to prematurely end a mobile contract. Please keep in mind that you are able to use your mobile contract using the roaming feature even if the Vodafone Germany network is not available there. Only keep in mind that you may have to pay roaming fees.


The earliest possible end of your contract is the "regular" end of your contractual term - if you signed for a 24-month-contract, the first time would be after that 24 months. And please keep in mind that your letter of termination has to receive Vodafone at least 3 months before that end of the contractual term.


Hello @Frederiko83,


can you please send me you customer account number including your password via PN?

I´ll have a look at your issue.


But usually there is no cancelation because of leaving germany - especially when there is hardware included.




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@Boris Hello, I've sent you a private message with my customer number. Thank you!