I can't add my GigaCube number to my account

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am 24.06.2019 18:44
I'm trying to figure out how to add my GigaCube number/subscription to my MeinVodafone account but it doesn't work.
1. Should I use Mobilfunk or LTE when I add the vertrag?
2. I don't have an Online-Registrierungscode because I got all the paperwork in the store when I bought the cube. Is that the problem?
Hoping someone can help, crazy how difficult some things are here in Germany 🙂
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am 25.06.2019 12:11
Hi mhenrixon,
please use "Mobilfunk" for adding the GigaCube
You need the customer-ID and the password (Kundenkennwort) which you fixed by starting the contract.
Kind regards
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