




Can't register mobile contract into meinvodafone

I have both plan for mobile and Kabel/Wifi products and on my registration I've used my kable activation code, and everything works for managing my kable info, but I don't see any info for my mobile contract nor I can edit/change any information. ( E.g. Change bank details IBAN for mobile contract)

I was able to login using the mobile app but I can't use the same internet password/login for the mobile product, only for the kable one.

Can someone help me how I can access my mobile contract info OR help me change my bank details info for the mobile contract?

5 Antworten 5

Hello @tiarly. Of course we can help. As far as I understand your issue, you have already registered yourself on the customer portal . Please log in again and look for the ADD CONTRACT / CALL NUMBER (auf Deutsch VERTRAG ODER RUFNUMMER HINZUFÜGEN - a black one with white letters) button. Now press on "mobile phone product" and then you can add the mobile phone number to the customer portal. At the end you have an area for cable internet and a separate area for mobile. Attention: you do need to know your customer password to add the cellular connection! You determined this yourself when you signed the contract. You will be asked once when you add the phone number. When you have completed that, log out once and then log back in again. Now you can see two separate areas: mobile and cable. You can change your bank details under mobile. If it doesn't work, feel free to write to us. We moderators will be happy to do this for you. Kind regards, Jioti

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I'm afraid I don't remember the cellphone password that I chose when I signed the contract. It seems it's not listed there as well, nor did I receive any info about it. When I try to change the password it changes the password for this account which doens't work for the mobile. So I'm kinda stuck.

I believe I would like the two things

1) Help change my current bank settings for the mobile contract ( I would like to use the same that my kabel is using )

2) I would like to reset my password for the mobile so I can finally add them to my account as you instructed above

Thanks again!


Hello tiarly,


in the first step you need to change your customer password. It ist posibel with your passport in a Vodafone Shop or with the following document: https://www.vodafone.de/infofaxe/265.pdf 


Best regards



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Thank you for the help on the changing password issue.

Could you proceed with changing my bank details for my mobile contract as well as requested in my previous message?

Thanks in advance!


Hi tiarly,


please excuse us for having overlooked that!


For changing your bank account there is an InfoDok too.

Just use: https://www.vodafone.de/infofaxe/230.pdf


Sunny greetz


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