am 26.06.2019 09:32
My name is Ahmad Hassan and I am a vodafone mobilfunk customer.
But from the last 9-10 months Vodafone has been charging me for kabel connection as well which I dont have, I dont use and I didnt sign any contract. I have called numerous times on helpline, waisted so much time waiting in the queue but no one was able to help me, finally someone told me to write it here. One of your customer rep on help line told me that its a mistake with the names or bank details or whatever but it has already been 9-10 months and the issue is still unsolved.
I can forward you the customer IDs and the rest of the details so that you can check but please make sure that it is solved unlike the previous people whom I contacted and no one had any idea what to do.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 28.06.2019 16:01
Hi Ahmad,
aour money is already on its way back to you, but unfortunately it will take some time. We have deleted your bank details from our systems. I would like to apologize for the fact that we have debited from your account. Your bank account was stored with a customer by a number turner. We corrected this immediately.
am 26.06.2019 16:51
Hello Ahmad,
the question is, was the cable connection DIR charged or was it "only" erroneously debited from your bank account? This makes a difference in that I can't help you if you've already had a contract in place for 10 months and you're just signing up. If, however, a customer is debited from your bank account and there is no SEPA mandate, then I can initiate a clarification.
So, please describe in more detail what is going on.
am 27.06.2019 14:28
am 27.06.2019 15:36
Hi ahmad0,
i need to know if it's a contract in your name or "just" a direct debit. As I wrote before, there is nothing I can do for you if you have a contract that has been in place for more than 10 months. Therefore it would be desirable, if you would tell me this first of all clearly.
am 27.06.2019 17:33
am 27.06.2019 18:53
Then send me the data of this direct debit by private message, i take a look at it. Please give me as much information as possible. After sending the DM, please contact me here again.
am 27.06.2019 20:43
Hi Grit,
I have sent you a private message.
Please have a look.
am 28.06.2019 13:45
Hi Ahmad,
can you please send me your IBAN so that I can compare it with the other one? Please via DM.
am 28.06.2019 14:03
Done !
am 28.06.2019 16:01
Hi Ahmad,
aour money is already on its way back to you, but unfortunately it will take some time. We have deleted your bank details from our systems. I would like to apologize for the fact that we have debited from your account. Your bank account was stored with a customer by a number turner. We corrected this immediately.