- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Good Afternoon,
I would like to cancel my contract or change it. I moved in March and in this new place there is also vodafone kabel. The owner of the contract talked to you regarding the situation and I was supposed to receive a letter from you to cancel my contract. So far I have not received anything and I do not want to continue paying for something I am not using.
Could you please send me the information by E-MAIL?
and could you please tell me again which are the steps to do so.
I would also, would like you to stop charging me for the service I am not using.
And if it is possible to complain about the current internet in my new place (***), which is going almos everyday for 5 hours.
Thank you in advanced,
Best Regards,
Natasha Cuotto
Edit: address deleted
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
20.08.2019 14:35 - bearbeitet 20.08.2019 14:36
as you have been told several times, it does not matter that you no longer want or use the contract. Here everyone is treated equally and your contract was terminated according to the Telecommunications Act. Until this date all resulting costs are to be carried. We do not need to discuss this any longer here, because there is no way around it.
am 15.05.2019 14:42
Hi Natasha,
normally moving is not a reason for cancelling earlier, the contract moves with you.
In your case a cacellation is possible, because your contract can not be moved - there is already a cable contract. So you have to cancel the contract and send your re-registration from town hall an also the rental contract to prove 1. that you moved and 2. that there is already a Vodafone cable contract. Then your contract can be cancelled after three month.
Did you already cancel? Then you just need to prove it. If you didnt have cancelled, please do it and send the proves either as a letter to:
Vodafone Kabel Deutschland
99116 Erfurt
or by contact form
Kind regards, Ines
am 15.05.2019 20:14
Hello NC1,
the fact that the owner of another contract has talked to us about it does not affect your contract. Because: If you do not inform us about changes, nothing will be changed. Why haven't you reported a move yet and given us the customer data of the existing contract? Have you moved in with the contract owner or how is this to be understood with the existing contract? By the way: An immediate termination is not possible. The contract can only be terminated according to the Telecommunications Act (relocation notification + 3 months).
am 16.05.2019 09:51
Hello Ines,
I moved in with my friend, who also have a vodafone kabel contract, that is a good reason to cancel my contract.
In MARCH my friend talked to one of yor collegues and send all the data your collegue request. And your collegue said he will send me a Form (Formular), which I should fill and send back to Vodafone.
I let pass a month, becauses sometimes letter come later and then I was on vacation and now I trying to solve the problem. And I am also do not want to continue paying doble to Vodafone.
My question is how I get in contact with a Vodafone responsable and efficient person, by phone, email or direct in in one store?
Thank you,
Best Regards,
am 16.05.2019 11:37
Hi Natasha,
first of all.... I'm not an employee of Vodafone. I'm just a customer like you. So the employees are not my collegues 🙂 But even if i am just a customer i know what to do. It is that what I wrote before...
You have to cancel the contract by letter (contact form or "Post"). If somebody talked to an employee or not, is not important. The wirtten cancelation is required. Otherwise the contact would not stop and you have to pay for something, you can not use!
Please cancel your contract. And send the proves. This is the key.
Regards, Ines
am 16.05.2019 12:02
Hello Ines,
Thank you very much for the aswer!!
Sorry for the misunderstsnding regarding vodafone employee !!! 😞
I already try per E-mail (contact form) and their answer was to write in this blog, therefore I thought you were a vodafone worker, sorry for that.
Per phone seems did not work and at the store they said to call. I was just trying to stop the cycle: store -- > call --> e-mail (with documents) --> calling --> you have to wait for a "paper" ---> ???
and I think if you talked (after sending the papers or giben the data the asked for) with the company for a service they should give you the solution or at leats not saying "I promise that the cancellation was already done".
Nevermind, I try to talked with this people in person again.
Thanks again!
am 17.05.2019 11:01
Hello NC1,
so that I can get an overview and help you, I need your customer data. Please send me your customer number, name, date of birth and address by private message and then report again here in the article.
Best regards
am 16.06.2019 14:35
I'll take over for Nancy. She gave me your PM.
The first written message of the move to your friend was on 06.05.2019. Before I find no written message. Therefore this date is accepted for the calculation of the notice date. The cancellation is now on 08.08.19.
Best regards
- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Good Morning,
I would like to solicite you, that you send me the complete amount of money that according to you I should pay to cancel my contract, that according to you has to be on August stead on June (because your collegues did not did their you and now according to you I have to pay 2 month extras due to his imcopentence).
Sinece your customer service is not efficient enough and easy going, as expect since you are a big company. I would like you to tell me how much money I have to pay you, because I would like to make just one last transaction to you and not making payments each month (for a none used service). And since you decide the end of the contract is now on 8.August, I pretty sure you will come with some extra days of payments or maybe not. But I really do not want to know nothing more about this thema.
PS: I also would like to complain about the bad intenet conection of my new living place (Rigaerstr ***). The signal goes very oft upto 5-6 hours per day, which is very bad when we have to work at home.
Thank you in advanced,
Best Regards,
Edited cause of Community rules, Su
am 02.07.2019 18:56
Hi NC1,
unfortunately there is no single and final total amount. The contract will be charged monthly until the confirmed end of the contract.
Regarding the connection issue: do you mean your connection or your friend's?