Refering to Ghost account

In May 2016 I changed from Vodafone ADSL to Vodafone Fibre - when the new modem arrived my name was misspelt to (xxx) but with correct address. Regardless the Post released the package. I immediately on receipt of the contract I contacted Vodafone to have my name correctly spelt.  

To the best of my memory the initial fee for first year was at €17.49 and afterwards to be €34.99

Shortly after I was offered to switch to KabelDeutschland.

Now after I have found that I have been paying to a "Ghost account" I have realized it was near impossible for me to read that the monthly draft of 14.49 was to a different account than that one I had signed (7. DB monthly overview) - I only observed "Vodafone sagt vielen Dank"

At same time I did not realize I was also paying to Kabel Deutschland.

I moved back to Sweden on the 31-12-2016 and cancelled my Contract with Kabel Deutschland who gave me three months cancellation fee.

In August 2017 I observed that Vodafone still charged €17.49 - as I believed this was a mistake by Vodafone - I asked my Bank to refund me for the three months June, July and August

I contacted Vodafone "operator" which was very complicated and the lady I spoke to accepted something was wrong - however the line cut down and as it had taken me some 20 minutes to get hold of her I simply believed she understood and took care of the problem

In February 2018 I received and invoice for an outstanding sum of €125.77 - with my limited German I read this as a very threatening letter with possible fines (8. Letzte Mahnung). Observe the name is wrong and just by pure luck did the postman manage to identify my real address.

At this time I had just taken up a new job after nearly 8 moths of unemployment thus I was not in the mind to contest or question so I immediately paid hoping it was the last.

After I had paid this "Fine" I monitored my account and noted that there was no more charges - thus reduced my vigilance only to again notice that Vodafone again had started to charge but this time €34.99!

I immediately reversed June and August and again received a letter from Vodafone on the 31st August demanding payments.

This is when I realized that all this payments and communication with fines and threats for penalties is for an account I have absolutely no connection with.


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 Short Historical description

  • 2009 June Contract for phone and ADSL signed with Vodafone:

Kunden nr. XXX

Phone number XXX

  • 04 May 2016 - Change to Kabelnetz - received contract with my name misspelt : Tetea Gartzjö:

(Attachment: 1. Kabelnet – tetea)

Kundennummer XXX

Same time  contacted Vodafoneby telephone to have my name corrected.

  • 19 May 2016 Changed to Kabel Deutschland

Observe - Name correctly spelt and received a new Kunden nr. XXX

(Attachment: 2. Wechsel)

  • 19 May 2016 Confirmation that the contract was moved to Kabel deutschland

Observe - Name correctly spelt and with a new Kunden nr. nr. XXX

(Attachment: 3. Anschlusswechsel)

  • 31 December Moved address back to Sweden after six months unemployment in Germany.

Modem sent in return 07 january.2017

(Attachment 4. modem return)

  • 17 January 2017 Vodafone Confirm that the cancelation period is until 05 April 2017

(Attachment 5. Kundigungbestätigung)

  • 31 January 2018 Received demand for payment (Attachment Letzte Mahnung)
  • 31 August 2018 Received demand for the last stop of payments by me (Attachment 9. Mahnung und Sperrung).

Based on above descriptions that I have been wrongfully charged for a "Ghost account" that I have no clue to how it has ended with a wrong spelt name to my address I request that Vodafone return all payments done by me to Vodafone for account/Client number 10778410 equal to €453.02 is refunded to my DB account and NO further charges from this account is posted to my DB account: XXX

Kindly revert soonest with yours:




Anhang und Persönliche Daten aus Datenschutzgründen gelöscht 

1 Antwort 1

Hey ghost58,

please don't post personal information like f.e. your bankaccount or customernumbers in public.

Feel free to send me a private message.
Therefore please click on my name/avatar -> then on the right side "diesem Benutzer eine private Nachricht seden".

I took a quick view over the 2 customernumbers you have provided.
The dsl contract was cancelled in 2016 since you changed to Kabel Deutschland.

The Cable contract has been cancelled in April 2017 since you moved to sweden.

I'm missing the "double/ghost" customernumber. The number you mentioned for the "€453.02 Euros" is neither a dsl or cable customernumber....
Please check if you have any typo - otherwise please attach the complete usage field from the banktransfers (normally there is something like Kundennummer 123456...) - then i can have a closer look.

Normally we don't make adjustments, since its mandatory for a customer  to check his invoices regular. If its an error on our side, i can try to make an adjustment as a sign of goodwill.

Best regards,

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