- zuletzt bearbeitet am
am 10.08.2018 11:44
10.08.2018 11:50 - bearbeitet 10.08.2018 11:54
Hi! Are you working for vodafone? I'm guessing not.
For some reason when I contacted Vodafone through e-mail they told me to upload my request to their forum.
This saga is going on for 6 months since I left Germany, I would not go into details.
Would like to ask any "Vodafone-forum enthusiast" to keep their opinions for themselves
I'm only asking for someone to cancel my contract!!!
am 10.08.2018 12:14
@DariaBer@ schrieb:Hi! Are you working for vodafone? I'm guessing not.
"I find your lack of faith... disturbing!" 😉
@DariaBer@ schrieb:
For some reason when I contacted Vodafone through e-mail they told me to upload my request to their forum.
That is one wierd advice, really!
Vodafone needs a written and signed cancellation request, where you tell them, that you moved to another country.
am 10.08.2018 12:19
I know, I already sent them one in February 2018, with my abmeldung and the modem.
Any other advices?
am 10.08.2018 12:33
Not really an advice, but an information:
If i understood correctly you have sent your cancellation in Februrary. Your were moving out of Germany in April. If this ist correct the cancellation is effective at June 30th 2018 and you need to pay the monthly fees up until this point.
Did you get any conformation regarding your cancellation?
If not, maybe a "moderator" here can have a look into this.
am 10.08.2018 12:36
The termination letter together with the abmeldung and the modem were sent in the beginning of February.
I also left Germany in that month.
Maybe waiting for a moderator is a GOOD idea.
10.08.2018 12:46 - bearbeitet 10.08.2018 12:59
@DariaBer@ schrieb:I know, I already sent them one in February 2018, with my abmeldung and the modem.
Any other advices?
That is a pretty important piece of information, don't you think? The email support should still be the right way to go. Why did they send you here? A mod might be able to check your contract and give some useful advice, but they are few and far between. The rest of us are just customers like you and maybe one or two guys involved with vodafone, who like to chat a bit on their free time, but can't actually do stuff.
am 10.08.2018 12:55
I guess wating for a moderator is the best action right now. Even if that will take a couple of days. So be patient.
A moderator can have look at your "contract situation".
And maybe a moderator can have look why the e-mail support is telling you to open a thread in this forum. Because that advice sounds really strange.
am 11.08.2018 13:33
Hi DariaBer,
what is the exact name of the tariff and modem you were using and were did you send your cancellation to?