am 20.11.2018 15:39
Unfortunately, whenever I try to change my bank details for my Cable Internet in MeinVodafone, I get an error saying:
"Entschuldigung, da ist was schiefgelaufen. Bitte versuchen Sie es später nochmal."
Any ideas what I need to do? I have tried:
- A different browser
- Putting my bank number/account number in instead
Kind Regards
am 21.11.2018 09:51
Hello rphcrosby,
that's weird. Alternatively you can inform us about the change via the contact form or you can send me your data via private message. If you want me to make the change, send me your customer number, name, date of birth, address and bank details. Subsequently, please report again here in the article.
Best regards
am 21.11.2018 15:55
Thanks, Nancy, I have sent you a private message. I appreciate any help you can provide.