18.10.2018 15:04 - bearbeitet 18.10.2018 15:08
I have a problem. Today I have recived my KabelBox, but wlan option does not work. In the router setting I have found my status - WLAN "not booked". It is wrong. Could you please help me?
am 19.10.2018 08:52
Hello Oleksii,
welcome to our community.
Have you already installed your modem or do you need a technician? It is possible that it will not work because of this. However, I will gladly take a look at your contract to see exactly where it is hanging. Please send me your customer data (customer number, name and address) by private message and then write me again here in the thread.
Best regards
am 28.12.2018 07:40
I'm also facing the same problem.
Recently received new vodafone kabel connection and Fast 5460 router. Wi-Fi status is saying "not booked".
Please help.