am 09.03.2021 23:05
Hello , Can you advise me what I need to do about this issue , everyday I have to turn of and turn on my macbook wireless adapter because network goes off .
Is there a known issue with Vodafone station and Macbook because my colleague in the same area with me also experience same thing .
am 22.03.2021 22:54
Hello Jana478 ,
I have put it on th 2.4 for some days now since my last response , and i think it is more stable as I have not had to switch on and off my Macbook wireless since then . I will keep monitoring this for the next few days and I hope it doesnt happen anymore .
Can you explain to me the rationale behind this ? I mean why it has to be splitted for it to work
am 25.03.2021 10:44
Hello bukolaj,
any network via WLAN can cause interference. Therefore, it is possible that at 2.4 GHz at your site has less interference.
Greetings Moni
am 25.03.2021 16:04
Thanks Moni and everyone , the network is stable for days now since I splitted it I have not had to turn off my laptop WIFI .
Thanks for your support
am 26.03.2021 09:24
Hello bukolaj,
glad to read. May I close the post here then?
am 26.03.2021 12:59
Hi Moni ,
I think you should leave it open for a while , Today I have had to restart twice unfortunately!
My network doesnt work on the 2.4 again until I restart my macbook WIFI adapter again