




Recurring problem CallYa credit



My husband an I have had the same issue , still not resolved after 2 months of asking through What's App messaging ( in German), calling customer service multiple times and by text ( multiple times and unable to speak to an English speaking customer service agent). We did not manage to get a satisfying answer:

1.We got the following message multiple times since April: "Den Basispreis von 20,00 Euro buchen wir am 04.06.2020 ab. Lad bitte Dein Guthaben in Deiner App oder unter 22922 wieder auf. Nur so kannst Du Deinen Tarif weiter nutzen. 

2. This misleading message forced us to top up our accounts with an additional 20 euros ( manually, on top of the 20 euros which are taken every month by Direct Debit corresponding to our phone and data plan) even though our accounts were active.


3. We only use our phones to call local German numbers and still the additional credit we topped up keeps going down? Why is that and why do we keep getting text message asking to top up to be able to keep using our plan ( tarif)?


4. Now we are worried that once the additional credit ( Guthaben) goes down to 0 euros then we will not be able to use our phones ( again the tarif is active and paid for by direct debit).


Please help us solve and understand this problem we have had now for more than 2 months.


Thank you

1 Antwort 1

Hello @Callya2,


I'm sorry for the confusion.


The SMS is sent because on that day the credit on the SIM card is checked.


If the balance is under 20 € the SMS will be sent.


The system then notices that it can only top up credit and does this during the day when the tariff becomes active.


I like to look at why the credit becomes less.


Please send me your phone number and your husband's number via PM (click on my name on the left and then on "Send this user a private message" on the right).


Thank you very much and best regards


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