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am 20.05.2018 18:00
How do I find out my customer number and password? I was not given one when i bought a prepaid sim.
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am 20.05.2018 18:32

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am 24.09.2018 22:05
I bought a prepaid sim (in store) and did not get a customer password. How can I get a customer password to add it to my myvodafone account?
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24.09.2018 22:13 - bearbeitet 24.09.2018 22:15
Hi @BlomsD,
You can go back to the store and ask the staff for the customer password.
Otherwise use the InfoDok form 265 (page 2) to change your customer password please.
Fill in the form and send this page via fax (fax number on page 2) to Vodafone. Within 3-4 days the customer password will be changed. You'll get an information via SMS about it.
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am 25.09.2018 11:48
Hello @BlomsD, you have received your SIM card in a Vodafone shop. One possibility you go back to this shop with your ID and the colleagues call you your customer password. Or you will be forgiven a new password with form 265. You can find this at https://www.vodafone.de/infofaxe/265.pdf. The e-mail address, where you can send the form, I have just sent you by SMS. Thank you and many greetings BiancaW
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am 27.09.2018 18:04
Thank you for the info. i e-mailed the 265 to the address you sent via SMS.

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am 23.10.2018 22:02
Hi, I am also trying to find out my customer id and password for a pre-paid SIM I bought. Please help.
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am 24.10.2018 12:05
hello @,
Your customer number and password are stored in your customer account. I can send you the password by mail. however, the registration must not have been done more than 90 days ago. maybe you want to send me the phone number by pn.
many greetings

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am 22.04.2019 13:45
I've filled and sent second page of form 256 to email, but got no response of letter being delivered. Could anyone of moderators team help me as well please?
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am 23.04.2019 18:18
Hello @wqrts,
please send me a PM with your mobile phone Number.
I'll take a look at the processing status of the Password change.
What Email address did you send 265 to?
Many Greetings