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Ich kann kein Fernsehprogramm sehen, die Horizontbox zeigt jetzt nur noch den Fehler 20001

First of all, I apologize because I write in English, but I still haven't learned the German language well enough to write a message.

I have a problem that I cannot watch a television program and I am a Vodafone user.

I already reported a issue with horizon box to “Tobi”. I also spoke to the live operator two times.

I do not know if there is point in calling technical support again when nothing happens after the instructions.

After the automatic update to GigaTV, the horizon box now only shows error 20001. It does not boot. A factory reset does nothing. I tried everything several times.


To summarize; Since 17th of October I can't watch a television program because my Horizon device is not updated. I complained to customer service but they told me that this model cannot be updated. But I did not receive any official information from Vodafone by email or post letter that someone started to solve my problem.

And one more thing, I also got monthly bill for October. Even I didn't have access to the TV service for half a month, and this is not my fault I had reported the problem, I was charged for this service in full.

I believe that I will get offer for some solution in the near future so that I can access the TV program again. But I would like to have an official confirmation that I reported the issue on 17th of October and that since then I have no access to the TV program.


Please, can someone help or should I cancel the VODAFONE service and cancel the contract?

Kundennummer: (*** private customer number edited)

Thank you very much in advance.

2 Antworten 2

Hello pesogrgic,


sorry for the late reply. Did you get a solution in the meantime? If not, please contact us on our service channels.


Kind regards,


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Hi Claudia, thanks for your answer. No, my problem is still not solved.
I already contacted Tobi, customer service, Facebook chat...the last answer was that the technicians are working and that I need to be patient. Now the second month is already passing. I received a bill for November with the same price as if I had a TV program, but in fact I was not able to use this service because the TV box cannot be updated because it is an old model.


For me, a reasonable solution would be to get a new device, return the old one and continue using the service.

But unfortunately my patience is running out so I will wait for my contract to expire in December, then I will cancel the service and in the meantime find a new provider for TV service.


Thanks again and have a nice day,


Peso Grgic