




My internet is disturbing and very slow from past month


My contract is *** and this is very slow for the past month. I face a large number of problems. Please have a look and let me know If you need further information. 

Modem is Vodfone TG3442DE 
I am using a Cable with a modem
I am living in Moabit Berlin.

Looking forward to your response. 



Edit: @iamgurjit removed customer number for data protection reasons. Please don't post personal data open.

5 Antworten 5

Please answer the questions from this thread so that it is easier to narrow down in advance. Incidentally, screenshots of your channel values are much easier to read than copy and paste the values.
It would also make sense to run speed tests and post the results.

Please see the answers in black and bold and let me know if you need more information.

In which state do you live?  Please also send the zip code 
Zipcode 10551, Berlin, Germany
What  contract  do you have? (e.g. internet + phone 100) Red Internet & Phone 50 Cable
Which  modem/ router  are you using?  (eg Hitron) Modem is Vodfone TG3442DE 
Do you use a  rental device  from us or do you have your  own device? I get the device from you
Which  error  occurs?  (Speed ​​too low; packet loss)  The problem is unstable internet and poor speed
How  is your device connected to the  modem  ?  (  LAN; WLAN; additional router; PowerLAN  ) LAN
Which  browser  do you usually use? (e.g. Firefox) Chrome
Which  operating system  do you have on your computer? (e.g. Windows) MAC, LINUX
Start  and  period  of the disruption   (eg: since the beginning of April; only in the evening) December 10th to now

Hi iamgurjit,


the signal is good, but there is a high load some times. Would you please give us some speedtests through a wired connection to the modem?

Kind regards


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Hi Vodafone, This is the worst internet connection I have had in my entire life. It is giving me huge problems. I am unable to work since yesterday due to a lot of interruptions in my connection, 

The speed Is very poor these days, please give me a solution asap. I am available for a call to explain in detail.

Looking forward to your urgent response.

Gurjit Singh


Hello iamgurjit,


sorry that your connection is not working as it should.


The reason for this is an interference signal that is active in your catchment area.


The technicians have already narrowed it down to a specific line.


At the moment, appointments are being made so that the objects connected to it can be checked and the interferer can be eliminated.


I have created an order for you and assigned it to the network fault so that you will be informed about the completion.


Best regards, Martin

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