Connection issues


4 weeks now i have issues with upload speed(400kbs upload!?!?), ping+packet loss.
2 weeks ago i called and talked with support to fix the issue.

04.03.2021 19:10 Uhr
"Wir haben Deinen Anschluss geprüft. Er ist von einer Netzstörung betroffen. Die Entstörung läuft bereits. Einen Techniker-Termin bei Dir brauchen wir dazu nicht. Den haben wir storniert."

This is what i got!The problem was gone for 2-3 days but i have the same issue again!

Fixes i tried:
1)Restarted the router
2)New cable(ethernet+data)
3)Optimized the network adapter of my pc

Nothing worked!Plus sometimes the router restarts itself every 12 hours.
So does the wifi from the router.It stops working randomly between the day!
For the wifi i tried changing the channels but nothing worked once again!
Please i need a stable connection.This is happening for over a month now.

Thanks in advance!

6 Antworten 6

Hi sunnn,


I will check, what's up there. Please send me your name, address and customer number by PN. Please also let me know here if you have sent the message.


Kind regards


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Hello Pro-Marco,


check your pm!

Greetings Alex!

Hi Alex,


a return path interferer is active here. I have forwarded a ticket for this to our specialist department for review. My colleagues are taking the next steps.


Kind regards


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Hi sunnn,


the signal values are not in order. There is an irradiation on 800MHz. I'd like to get a technician to look at it on site. If that's okay with you, I still need a mobile number so we can make an appointment.
Is the house accessible?
Due to the current developments, we have to take certain precautions. Therefore, we need to know if there are any symptoms in your household that could be related to Covid-19. Of course we don't want to offend you, but on the other hand we don't want to put more people at risk unnecessarily.


Kind regards


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Hi sunn,


the technician is assigned and will call you to make an appointment. If you did not cause the fault yourself, the appointment is free of charge.


Kind regards


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Hello sunn,

I have received your PN.
Could you please send me a private message with the customer number, address, name and your date of birth for the current data comparison?

Then please write briefly in the public post when you have sent the PM.

Then we'll take a look at it.


Many greetings

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