Random internet disconnections.

Hi, I use the EasyBox 805 router, unfortunately it keeps having issues with maintaining internet connection. It happens randomly couple of times a day or when I try to download a large file(>1GB). The internet connection drops, web browser opens the address and asks to login to the router settings. It makes it impossible to download any files, because the download can only get through max. 500MB before the router loses connection.

I tried all of the steps provided by the Netz-Assistant. Restored default settings of the router and registered it using MIC again, but the issue persists. It seems very similar to this issue posted here https://forum.vodafone.de/t5/Internet-Ger%C3%A4te/EasyBox-805-reboots-every-time-I-download-via-WiFi..., except the "reboots" happen also without any file download.

Kindly asking for help here.

3 Antworten 3

Hey Domana,

I'm sorry that your landline is not working stable.

It sounds like a defect of the router.

Do the disconnects happen via WLAN? Could you please do me a favor & deactivate wlan & test if the disconnects also happen via lan only?


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I have disabled WLAN and checked the connection over LAN and indeed it seems over cable the connection is stable, large files can be downloaded without interruption or reboot. However, that doesn't solve anything, because all of our devices need WLAN functionality. Is it a faulty router or is there something else I can try to do? If it's the router's fault how do I go about exchanging it?

Thank you for your help.



Hi Domana,

this test was more for diagnosting between a defect of the router - or the landline itself.

If its working via lan, this must be some kind of defective wlan module.
Please send me a private message with your dsl customernumber.

I'll initiate a swap of the router.

To send me a private message, please click on my name/avatar -> then the big red button on the right side "sende diesem Nutzer eine Nachricht".


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