Vodaphone CallYa Not activated for more than 48 hours - 2023

Hi ,


My wife has got a Vodafone prepaid contract and did all the verification process i.e. WebID call based verification. We have been waiting for more than 48 hours the sim is not active. 


I have not been able to reach to support via IVR as well unfortunately. As a last resort I am writing here to get help.


The email my wife got after completing online verification had a link to check the status and it's been stuck on one additional step of getting additional verification which is mandated by law. God knows how long it will take, I am feeling we are being descriminated due to our different passports. 


Quite incidently I choose a different operator and the sim was Registered with them in few minutes. Wonder what additional legal requirements Vodafone has left with after WebID verification 

1 Antwort 1

Hallo @Anfal,


es tut mir sehr leid, wenn es Schwierigkeiten bei der Registrierung gibt. Wir können uns das gern anschauen.


Dafür benötigen wir persönliche Informationen von Dir.


Bitte melde Dich dazu über einen der folgenden Kanäle bei uns:


Facebook-Service-Seite unter www.facebook.com/vodafoneDEservice

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Vielen Dank und viele Grüße


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