Resolving incorrect invoice for English speakers

Hi, we are new arrivals to Munich from Australais and our newly set up 2 mobile phones and cable internet ar working fine. However, i checked my bank account this morning and one correct direct debit has been charged by Vodaphone for the service, however a 2nd direct debit has been charged for a quite large amount, quoting the correct customer number, but a quite different mobile phone number. I tried to get this queried online using the bot , but it can only respond in German. It gave me this number 0800 1721212 to contact, but the online messaging steps defeated my limited German very quickly.
Is there a Vodaphone contact number or email or other contact point that can manag e my query and respond in English, please?


*** @Chris6121, thread moved from community to mobile phone board! ***

1 Antwort 1

Hi Chris6121,


we like to help you here.


Please send us a PN  with your mobile number, the password and the link of this contract here.


Best regards



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