Left EU. can I cancel my mobile?



I have cancelled my Kabel-contract via the website as I have left the EU and am trying to do the same for the mobilfunk contracts.  However, there does not appear to be anywhere to do this.  I have called the 0800 172 1212 number at least 6 times and always get in an endless loop of going to the wrong department and I have to call back again.  I am speaking German but have also had the phone put down twice during the call.  How do I cancel the contracts ?


Ich habe meinen Kabel-Vertrag über die Website gekündigt, da ich die EU verlassen habe und versuche, das Gleiche für die mobilfunk-Verträge zu tun. Es scheint aber nirgends eine Möglichkeit zu geben, dies zu tun. Ich habe die 0800 172 1212 Nummer mindestens 6 mal angerufen und gerate immer in eine Endlosschleife, in der ich an die falsche Abteilung weitergeleitet werde und wieder zurückrufen muss. Ich spreche Deutsch, habe aber auch schon zweimal während des Anrufs den Hörer aufgelegt bekommen. Wie kann ich die Verträge kündigen?



2 Antworten 2

There's no premature right to cancel for mobile contracts as you can still use them as contractually agreed upon outside of Germany and even outside of the EU. Obviously this might include roaming fees that you initially agreed upon - but there might be -depending on where you go- special roaming packages available.


Hello @Auslander,


it's right. In mobile communications, there is no extraordinary termination when moving abroad.


You can give notice of termination in due time via MeinVodafone.


Many greetings,


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