Gigacombi discount inexistent

I have a subscription for Internet via cable and for 2 mobile numbers. I have changed the internet plan, however the Gigacombi discount disappeared from my invoice. I went last month to the office, one employee from there told me that starting with this month the Gigacombi will be bigger, but now it does not exist at all. 

Before starting the contract, i agreed with the VDF employee that our total payment monthy would not be over 100.00 EUR. The contract is paid from my job and i am limited by my job to have 100.00 EUR maximum per month.

However, this is the 3rd month we are over 100.00 EUR and if this is going to continue, i think i can only cancel the contract before 2 months because it seems the initial agreement is not respected.


What do you advise me to do?


Thank you in advance!

1 Antwort 1

Hi VictorAlex,


I'm sorry, that you have issues with your contracts.


What contracts do you exactly have with us and from which federal state do you  come from?




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