am 17.06.2022 14:24
Hi Guys , I insttaled kabel internet fewsays ago with fritzbox 6600. I did all required ways to open port 44158 in TCP protocol with IPV4 but all time I see that port still close or the settings I do opening another port .
-- I reserved the local IPV4 to my device then to "pirmit access" to make port sharing as shown in totorials but what I see that port 44158 still closed and port 58024 is open.
any idea how to solve the problem?
am 17.06.2022 15:19
@Mantaray schrieb:
any idea how to solve the problem?
There is no solution to this problem as there is no problem at all.
You opted for a contract that uses DualStack-Lite operation - and as it is written in the contract details, you don't have a public IPv4 and thus IPv4 port forwarding is not possible.
am 17.06.2022 16:56
Hi, thanks for reply,
Before I do my contract sales team confirmed that I have a real static IPV4 address and they told that I can do port sharing. my contract is red internet and phone 250 cable with fritzbox 6600 router
am 17.06.2022 17:07
Whatever you were told - private contracts are only being served using DualStack-Lite technology with no public IPv4 address at all.
Only Business contracts include an option to get a (public) static IPv4 address -- but your contract misses the "Business" in its name, so it's only a private contract and therefor does not have a public IPv4 address at all.
am 17.06.2022 17:16
got you. but how when I check my public IPV4 address its the same and never changes even with restarting router? is that doesn't mean that I have a static IPV4?
Thanks again for your time
am 17.06.2022 17:27
You don't have a public IPv4 address at all.
The IPv4 address that you see if your check on different websites is the one that the NAT Gateway from Vodafone uses - and that is an IPv4 address that you share with many other customers.
am 24.06.2022 13:09
just wanted to add my feedback about that issuw minsioned qbove, after a phone call with technical suppport they offered me a free real static IPV4 address and from the router settings I shared the port 44158 and now it's open successfully
am 24.06.2022 13:16