switching my cabel contract to DSL
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Suresh Kumar (date of birth: **.**.****). I have a vodafone Red Internet & Phone 50 Cable contract (Kunden-Nr. ***) at *** 15, 30655 Hannover. Recently, I moved to Essen (***) but in my new apartment, there is no cable port. Can I switch my cabel contract to DSL?
Best regards,
Edit: @Kumars Personal data removed for data protection reasons, please never post publicly.
1 Akzeptierte Lösung

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Please use the moving service in MeinVodafone / MeinKabel. Since you also moved from the VFD / ex-KDG area to the VFW / ex-UM area, you couldn't take the contract with you anyway. If there is no cable at your new place of residence, a change to DSL will be suggested to you when you are notified of the move.

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3 Antworten 3

Please use the moving service in MeinVodafone / MeinKabel. Since you also moved from the VFD / ex-KDG area to the VFW / ex-UM area, you couldn't take the contract with you anyway. If there is no cable at your new place of residence, a change to DSL will be suggested to you when you are notified of the move.

Thank you very much for your quick response. I would like to switch to DSL. Can you please tell me the process? 

Simply report the move to the moving service. Everything else then follows in this process. If cable is not available, you will automatically be made a DSL offer.