Two amounts being debited


I recently moved from Koblenz to Wiesbaden. In Koblenz, I had one contract for both my internet and phone.  . When I moved to Wiesbaden, I recieved a new customer number. I was told that my customers changed and that there will be no change in my contract (except for an offere where for one year i pay 10€ less) , that my customer numbers will be synced automatically and that I do not need to do anything. However, now I see two amoutns being debited: one by Vodafone GmbH and one by Vodafone Deutschland GmbH. Can you kindly advise why two amounts are being debited? 
23 Antworten 23

Vodafone GmbH will provide you with either a mobile phone contract or DSL.
Vodafone Deutschland GmbH, on the other hand, is the cable network operator in all federal states except North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse and Baden Württemberg and offers you cable internet and TV.

Did you look at the bills? There is a detailed list of what is calculated.


Hi unice237,


please have a look in the invoices. There can you find the details to the charges.

If you moved recently it's most likely that you got a partially invoice for the old address and an invoice for the new one.




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Dear Stephan,


Thank you for your response. The amounts have been debited in June and in July and they don't add up to the contract amount.

  • June: 18.66 and 19.99
  • July: 9.98 and 19.99


My contract in Koblenz was for 29.99 and now in Wiesbaden it is 19,99 (for the first 24 months and thereafter 29.99)

Kind Regards,





Hi unice237,


then please have a look in the invoices and the details listed there.




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Dear Stephan,


Thank you for your response. I checked the invoices for July, both mention Red Internet & Phone
50 Cable. I have attached herewith screenshots. Can you kinldy help me understand the difference between the two?


Thank you.


Kind Regards,


You either moved from the former Unitymedia area to the Kabel Deutschland area or vice versa. However, the old contract has not yet been terminated. A mod has to take a look.

Dear Thorsten,


Thank you for your response. Can you kindly let me know what I need to do now or who i would need to contact?


Kind Regards,


Dear Eunice,

so you moved from Rhineland-Palatinate to Hesse and used Vodafone's relocation service. Unfortunately, the contract in Rhineland-Palatinate did not appear to have been terminated when the contract in Hesse was activated. A mod from VFD / ex-KDG has to look it up and terminate the contract retrospectively to the day the new contract is activated.
Have a little patience, there will be another mod for sure.


Hi unice237,


did you reported your move or did you just ordered a new contract for the new address?


If you informed us about the move, the old contract should be cancelled automatically. If you just ordered a new contract, the cancellation won't happen.


We can have a look on that. Please send me a private message with the following information:


- your full name

- your full address

- date of birth

- customer number

- e-mail address

- the link of this thread


Please reply here when you have sent the private message.




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