




Still waiting on my internet connection to be activated even though I'm already being billed for it.

I'm still waiting for my cable internet connection (Red Internet & Phone 1000 Cable) to activate. Numerous calls today and the only response from the customer support people is that my activation is in queue. 


I understand that I have to wait for these types of things to be activated, but it's now the end of the business day for when my connection is supposed to be active, but I'm still staring at a blinking light on my modem. 


I did, however, already get billed for 85,00€, so it's good to know that Vodafone's billing system is working correctly.


Can someone please let me know when I'll actually be able to start using a service that I'm already paying for?

10 Antworten 10

Hi Joe451,


when I read this, I would say that a technician must come to activate the connection. We can gladly arrange that here. Send me your customer number, name, date of birth and address in a private message.


Then reply again here in the post.




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Thanks for your response Thomas—I'm surprised that this is the case though, as my building is wired for Vodafone, the previous tenant was a Vodafone customer, and I was told by the customer representative that this would be a simple self-installation without a need for a technician. 


Are you confident that this is going to resolve the connection issue? I've sent you my details, but I'm sure you can appreciate how frustrating and disappointing this experience has been, especially as a new customer. I've gotten a different response from customer support each time, ranging from being in queue for activation to technical issues with the entire network, and now this.


At this point, I'm hesitant to pay additional money for a technician to visit, as I'm not sure what exactly to expect from Vodafone anymore.

I also wanted to note that I also checked MeinVodafone and it also said that the service is activated and ready to use; however, there was no technician visit, despite the screenshot saying otherwise.



Hello Thomas,


Is there any update available for the booking of this technician appointment or when I'll be able to use this service? 


Thank you,


Did you send the personal data per PN as requested by @Thomas ?

Yes, I did. Please let me know if I need to send it again.



Please be patient, the mods are not here 24/7. They also work through the PMs chronologically and will give you feedback as soon as possible.


Hi Joe451

At your address, the hardware can be installed without a technician. There is currently maintenance work in your area. There is a post about it on the message board.

Best regards

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Thank you for the response Ida.


Can Vodafone do anything for me in the meantime? The customer service representative didn't tell me about any ongoing or expected maintenance work when I signed up on 2 August, nor did I receive any notification about this when I got the hardware on 13 August. The only thing that technical support told me when I called on 13 August is that my contract and service would be active by the evening, so I'm surprised that it suddenly became an issue of maintenance when everything seemed in order.


I went into this contract expecting a functional service for the money that I paid. As I work freelance from home, I'm quickly running out of mobile data, and this maintenance, unexpected or otherwise, could very well cost me my jobs.