Cancellation of contract

Hi, I am a non German speaker and would like to cancel my contract with Vodafone due to non fulfillment of the contract by Vodafone. What do I need to show as a prove that my internet is not working at all since 4 days?

what steps do I have to take to ensure the contract is cancelled and Vodafone does not require me to pay for the remaining period of my contract? 

4 Antworten 4

This doesn't work in the way you want it to work...


First of all, you have to notify Vodafone about the fault - then you have to give them the opportunity to rectify the fault within an appropriate time frame - and only if after that timeframe it won't work, you may cancel the contract.


If you haven't notified Vodafone about the fault until now, you can neither cancel nor not pay the contract at all - as it's your contractual obligation to notify Vodafone about faults immediately.


And last but not least: Contractual language is German, support is also only provided in German language and all statements from your side (e.g. a cancellation) has to be done in German.

Dear @reneromann ,

Thank you first of all for your reply (which already shows where we stand).


I don't mean making it work the way I want it to work but the way it should work (and frankly it works like that everywhere else except here where apparently the company has a thousand safeguards and the customer a thousand papers and endless bureaucracy).


Coming to the matter at hand. I notified Vodafone about the malfunction. My first ticket was closed without my problem being resolved (and without asking if it had been solved. I wonder why).

The second ticket has been open since 8 March and nothing has happened since that date. From what I see on the Telecommunications Act, Vodafone should have resolved the problem within 24 hours. It should also have told me what it was doing to fix it and when it was going to fix it. This didn't happen and judging from the messages I read in the forum it doesn't happen that often (some messages clearly state that they don't know when the problem will be fixed). Vodafone should also compensate me for the delay since the second day. I have not been told about this but I expect to see it in the next bill.


What is the appropriate timeframe?


The times I have spoken to the hotline I have done so through people who spoke German. Once I was told that I had to restart the router and wait an hour (after which the ticket was closed as if the problem had been solved).


I understand that there are procedures but here the issue is reversed, that is, the problem is mine alone and Vodafone can do as they see fit and as they see fit without giving me explanations but giving me answers like yours in which they reprimand me for my way of expressing the problem or because I don't speak German. I don't know if it is clear that I am not the one who disconnected the internet for which I regularly pay the supplier company (supplier?). 

Just as, if it is called customer care, it should take care of the customer and not tell the customer that things are not done as the customer says. After all, I'm not asking for something to be given to me, but I am asking to use the internet for a fee. I don't have to be grateful to anyone for that. When I do my job, I don't ask to be thanked because it's my job. I don't even say that I can't do my job because Vodafone doesn't provide me with internet, because my client replies that he doesn't care if I have connection problems because he's paying me for a service that I have to give him, otherwise I'm responsible (not Vodafone).

I hope I've been clearer and that it's clear to you that you don't need to school me but perhaps offer me help regarding the legitimate request I'm making.




If you need juristical advice on how to proceed, you will need to ask a person that is allowed to give such - like lawyers.


I can't give you such advice - as I am not a lawyer and thus not allowed to do - and even if I would be, I would not do it here, especially not for free.

You see? After all, there is an objective way of how things should be done. And every service has its cost....

Except in the case of Vodafone, of course, where even non-service has a cost!