No internet acces

Bună ziua tuturor,


Vorbesc engleza și, din păcate, nu pot contacta serviciul clienți, deoarece telefonul este în germană...

Mi-am conectat corect caseta de internet FRITZ!Box și mi-am activat contul online.

Pe FRITZ!Box, LED-ul „Power/Cable” clipește în verde, iar LED-ul „WLAN” este verde continuu.

Am reusit sa-mi conectez telefonul la wifi dar din pacate scrie "nicio conexiune la internet".

Am vazut pe forum ca deja s-a intamplat asta cu mai multe persoane si ca a venit un tehnician sa configureze lucrurile in pivnita.


Ar fi posibil să-mi trimiți pe cineva? Pot trimite mesaj privat cuiva de la Vodafone care ma poate ajuta?


Multumesc anticipat!zâmbitor (fericit) 

Toate cele bune

2 Antworten 2

Hello Vargastefan1987,


You have posted your article on fiber optics. Do you actually use fiber or cable internet? Which modem do you use exactly?


Please note that it is no longer possible to directly process service requests (faults, changes to master data or contracts) in the community, as there is no longer any exchange of personal data. We are happy to support and help you with everything else here. If it is very complex and should remain in writing, feel free to use our service channels on Twitter or Facebook. There we can take a closer look at the tickets and check this in detail. Feel free to refer to the post there.


Regards Fred

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Since the TE has not reported back, I close here now. If you have any questions or concerns, simply open a new post in the appropriate board. Please note, however, that direct support is no longer possible here. It is best to read this article.