am 20.09.2023 17:15
In the September 1 2023, I did a GigaCube contract in a Vodafone Shop. At the later day (September 2), I decided to terminate contract as it does not fulfill my internet requirements. The person in the shop said that I will not be charged for anything. However today (September 21), I charged about 60€ for connection price (the guy in the shop said that it is for "anschlusspreis"). When I go there, they said that they can do nothing, and they said that I should call the Vodafone Call Center. Currently, I don't know enough German to understand the call center. So what should I do? I did not use GigaCube even for one day.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
am 20.09.2023 21:36
It seems the person at the shop lied to you...
All of the one-time fees as well as partial usage fees still have to be paid.
am 20.09.2023 21:52
Are you sure about that?
Because the person at the shop said that I will receive all of the money (he also gave 10€ as cash for the GigaCube device).
What should I do for now? What will your suggestions?
Best regards,
am 21.09.2023 14:15
Hi again,
I went to Vodafone store again today.
The staff told me that I will be refunded all of the money for the termination of GigaCube. But he said that Vodafone needs to approve for the termination of the contract, and he mentioned that currently the contract is not terminated, but will be terminated soon, and as the contract ends, I will be refunded all the money (including connection price etc.).
However, I could not sure about it, thus I am asking: Is it the case? Can one of Vodafone staff confirm it?
Best regards,