am 09.05.2022 21:05
Ich habe ein Vodafone Station-Modem/Router und habe die IPv6-Host-Belichtung aktiviert, aber es ist nicht möglich, den offenen Port im internen Gerät zu erreichen. Wenn die Firewall deaktiviert ist, funktioniert die Belichtung, aber das ist keine gute Lösung.
Ich habe anscheinend viele Beiträge zu genau demselben Problem veröffentlicht, aber wir scheinen, dass die Verschmutzung nicht öffentlich verfügbar ist.
Wo finde ich die Lösung für dieses Problem?
Original text:
I have a Vodafone Station modem/router and have enabled the IPv6 host exposure, however it is not possible to reach the open port in the internal device. When the firewall is disabled, the exposure works, however this is not a good solution.
I have seem many posts regarding exactly the same issue, howevwe seems like the soilutuon is not publically available.
Where can I find the solution for this problem?
Thank you.
am 10.05.2022 08:21
Hello user1980,
we need some details from you first. Please have a look at the thread Alles rund um Störungsmeldungen and send the information from there.
Kind regards,
am 11.05.2022 22:19
Hello Claudia,
Please find the information requsted below:
am 13.05.2022 07:06
Hi user1980,
it seems like a firmware-bug. Let us have a look at it. Please send me your name, address, day of birth and customer number by PN. Please also let me know here if you have sent the message.
Kind regards
am 13.05.2022 19:23
Hello @pRo-Marco @PN sent!
am 15.05.2022 10:37
Hi user1980,
we did a firmware-update. Please proof, if it works now.
Kind regards
am 15.05.2022 11:13
Hello @pRo-Marco,
I can cofirm the the firmware was updated to 3.2.46-IMS-KDG,
However the host exposure still not working.
am 15.05.2022 12:21
try a factory reset:
press and hold reset button for at least 20 seconds
am 15.05.2022 18:15
am 15.05.2022 18:35
@user1980 schrieb:The problem still persists after the facory reset..
then it seems that 3.2.46-IMS-KDG has not fixed the problem 😞