Problem installing router



my landlord has just signed a new contract for internet and we received the new modem today (he is abroad, so we did the installation). We installed the modem according to the instructions (cbn model CH7466CE) and everything looked as the instructions mentioned, the wlan light stopped blinking and the power light too. After that, as the installation manual mentioned, I tried to connect with my phone and my laptop to the WiFi and, although it did connects to the modem, we have no connection to internet. It says that there is no connection available. The @ symbol in the modem is blinking very fast. We tried to call to the number specified in the manual, but we don't speak German, so it was imposible yo communicate. We need urgent help with the installation. We have no idea how to contact a technician, and our landlord is living abroad so is quite difficult for him to help us. We have been without internet for more that a week, we would deeply appreciate a fast solution for this problem.


best regards,



1 Antwort 1

Hello Benjamin8,


welcome to the community.

Please note that it is no longer possible to directly process service requests (faults, changes to master data or contracts) in the community, as there is no longer any exchange of personal data.

For everything else we are happy to support and help you here.


If it is very complex and should remain in writing, feel free to use our service channels on Twitter or Facebook .


There we can check this in detail.


Best regards, Martin

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